Why Install a Sediment Filter?

A sediment filter collects solid debris and particulate from the water supply to protect appliances, piping and washing machines. These filters are available with different micron ratings to suit your filtration needs.


Sediment and sand can damage piping and reduce the efficiency of water-based appliances like washing machines, dishwashers and water heaters. A whole house sediment water filter keeps this debris away to save you money and hassle.

Improved Taste and Odor

A sediment filter traps and removes suspended particles from your water supply, such as sand, dirt and rust flecks. These can leave your water unappetizing and discolored, damage appliances like hot water heaters and clog other filters, including UV and reverse osmosis systems. A sediment filter acts as a defensive filter that prevents particulate matter from prematurely exhausting other filters, which in turn can extend their life and improve their efficiency.

Most sediment filters use mechanical filtration to block large particles. They have a surface area that captures particulate matter and a design that prevents them from blocking as they clog, making them more durable than other types of water filters. Some sediment filters are surface filters, such as pleated 5-micron filters, while others use depth filtration to reduce particulates with layers of filter media that decrease in size.

Sediment filters are a good choice for homes with well water because they help protect pipes, appliances and fixtures from damaging particulates. They also help prevent unattractive stains on plumbing fixtures and keep your drinking water clean, crisp and delicious. Sediment water filters also reduce the amount of plastic bottles you consume, which saves money and resources and eliminates harm to wildlife that mistake these plastics for food.

Reduced Particles

The main reason to install a sediment filter is that it protects your home appliances, household plumbing and water-using devices from dirt particles that could cause damage and clog them. For example, silt and sand particles can reduce the lifespan of your washing machine, dishwasher and hot water heater by clogging their fine parts. The same goes for rust flecks, which could clog pipes and decrease the performance of your water filtration systems like UV and ion exchange.

The good news is that sediment filters eliminate these particles before they reach the rest of your home water supply. As such, they’re the first line of defense against sediments and other contaminants that could contaminate your water and lead to health issues.

When choosing a sediment filter, look for one that has a high micron rating and an adequate surface area to allow for greater debris reduction. You can also opt for a pleated sediment filter that traps particles on the filter’s pleated ridges. This type of filter is ideal for sediments that are all of the same size, and you can wash and reuse it.

Reduced Risk of Health Issues

A sediment filter acts as a barrier against particulates and grit that can cause your water to look murky or muddy, taste bad, or clog household plumbing and appliances. This clogging can reduce the life expectancy of dishwashers, washing machines, water heaters, and other household appliances. It can also hinder the efficacy of a UV water filter by creating a shadow behind which bacteria and other microorganisms can hide, or it can block the fine movement of water through a water softener, reducing its effectiveness and lifespan.

Because sediment filters are located between the outside world and your home water supply, it makes sense that they would have to do much of the heavy lifting. They do this by preventing large dirt and sand particles from entering your home’s water supply, thanks to the many different materials they are spun from. Pleated sediment filters work well for this task, as they have extensive surface areas that can trap large amounts of material at once. These filters are typically rated by a “micron” number, which indicates the size of particle they can capture.

Reduced Maintenance

Sediment filters are a great way to reduce the maintenance costs associated with other water filtration systems. Sediment filters remove the particulates that clog pipes and other household appliances, causing them to malfunction or even break down. They also protect household appliances from corrosion, extending their lifespan and saving money on costly repairs down the line.

A sediment filter can help prevent the accumulation of sediment in your house plumbing system and other appliances, such as dishwashers, washing machines and water heaters. If left untreated, sediment can cause your appliances to clog or malfunction, significantly reducing their efficiency and shortening their lifespan.

A sediment filter can be used in conjunction with a variety of other types of water filters to provide the most comprehensive water filtration solution. However, it is important to remember that sediment filters are unable to remove bacteria and other chemical contaminants from drinking water. For this reason, a carbon-based or ultrafiltration water treatment system is the best choice to ensure your home’s water supply is free of harmful substances.

Easy to Install

Sediment filters are designed to remove visible particles from water, like dirt, sand, and dust. They are not able to remove chemicals, bacteria, or heavy metals, however. Sediment filters are easy to install, and are typically installed where the water enters a home, known as point of entry (POE).

They are easily able to be installed before other whole house filters or appliances like water softeners, water filtration systems, UV cleaners, etc. This allows them to help reduce sand and sediment build up and extend the life of these other filters.

When installing a sediment filter, it is important to make sure all faucets are turned off before intercepting the main water line to avoid any leaks or spills. It is also a good idea to turn off any appliances that use water, such as washing machines and ice cube makers.

Once the sediment filter is installed, it is usually a simple matter to start using your clean, fresh drinking water. Depending on the filter type, it may be necessary to change the filter every 6-12 months.