Cake Cutting Tricks to Help You Slice Your Round Cake Perfectly Every

Ever make a delicious cake only to have your friends tell you they want a bigger piece? This is what we call the cake-cutting problem.

This classic fair division problem is a great way to teach children the basics of math while having fun. It also applies to dividing many other kinds of resources like land estates or advertising space. 주문제작케이크

How to Cut a Round Cake

You’ve just finished baking a gorgeous, multi-tiered layer cake and applied a smooth, dreamy layer of frosting. Now, it’s time for the final party trick: slicing up your cake and serving it to all your hungry friends and family! But before you start slicing and serving, there are a few pro tips you should keep in mind. These easy-to-follow tricks will help you slice your round cake perfectly every single time!

Tip #1: Use a serrated knife.

A serrated blade (like a bread knife) is perfect for cutting cakes because it’s thin and easily slices through the moist layers of a cake. This helps prevent smearing and makes your slices look cleaner.

Tip #2: Make sure your knife is warm before you start cutting.

Run your knife under hot water or put it in a container of warm water for about 20-30 seconds before you start slicing your cake. This will make it so much easier to cut through the frosting and the cake itself! Be sure to wipe off your knife between slices to remove any crumbs or frosting that may have built up.

Tip #3: Know your audience.

This tip is especially helpful if you’re serving a wedding or party-sized cake. Knowing your audience will help you determine how large or small to cut your cake slices. This will ensure that everyone gets a nice, even slice of cake!

How to Cut a Square or Rectangular Cake

If you’re dealing with a square or rectangular cake, it can be a little bit easier to cut because these types of cakes have shorter sides. You can use the same method as with a round cake, but you may find it quicker to score your cake before cutting.

To start, mark the desired number of slices on your cake with a piece of tape or a food marker. You can also choose to score the cake without marking it, but the lines will have to be more precise and you’ll have less control over your cuts.

Next, using a ruler, measure around the entire perimeter of your cake. Then divide the total distance by the number of slices you want to make. This will give you the number of equal sized pieces, which will take care of both the cake and the side icing. For example, a circle that measures 4s/5 slices will give you five equal pieces, and each of these will get 1/nth of the side icing.

When you’re ready to start cutting, remove ribbons or flowers and any other inedible decorations. Then place the tier on a board or cake stand that’s large enough for it to sit comfortably on. It’s important to not move the cake from its board because if it moves, it will become damaged and uneven.

How to Cut a Round or Square Layer Cake

A round layer cake is the classic way to show off a cake’s layers, and it’s what you see in bakery cases and restaurants around the world. But a single, round cake can present challenges when it comes to cutting into clean slices that don’t split.

Luckily, there’s a simple solution that’ll ensure your cakes are not only beautiful, but also perfectly even and ready to serve. In her latest cookbook, Sheet Pan Sweets, Molly Gilbert shares a clever trick to cut a cake into perfectly even pieces—one that works even on round or square cakes, not just stacked tiers.

Start by using toothpicks to mark the halfway point around the perimeter of your cake. Then, cut a strand of unflavored dental floss that’s long enough to reach around the entire cake. Wrap the floss around the cake, crossing the ends in front of you. This will tighten the floss around the edges of the cake, and it’ll make a deep cut into the cake that’s easy to cleanly slice off.

Next, use a knife to slice off the top of the cake. This removes the dome and leaves you with a flat surface that will give your guests a better bite. In the case of a multi-tiered cake, a spatula can be used to help you separate each tier before cutting.

How to Cut a Square or Rectangular Layer Layer Cake

Adding more cake layers to your cake means a taller, more impressive cake, not to mention more oohs and aahs from friends and family as they slice into the delicious goodness. But creating more layers from a rectangular or square-shaped cake can be tricky. Thankfully, Christina Tosi has some tips on how to cut a rectangular layer cake and make it look like it came from a professional bakery.

First, you’ll want to remove the dome from the top of the cake. Use a long serrated knife, a twelve-inch strand of dental floss, or a cake leveler to cut through the domed portion of the cake to create a flat surface for your layers. Next, cut a line perpendicular to your first cut. This will help you save the “heel” end slices that can be used as a filling or to feed hungry guests who love frosting more than cake.

Once your cake has been cut into even and even layers, it’s time to frost and decorate. Keep in mind that cakes can begin to dry out quickly once they’re cut, so if you’re not going to be using the layers immediately, wrap them securely in plastic wrap.